We wish to invite you to attend our International Politiek Cafe, May 30th 2012 at 20.00 hours at Societeit De Witte, Plein 24, The Hague (open: 19.30 hours).
Our guest of honor will be Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran, human rights activist. Our moderator is mr. Edward Asscher, former member of the Dutch senate, assisted by Yalda Walinezjad, founder of IranInstituut.
Reza Pahlavi will speech about the political developments in Iran, followed by a 45-minute discussion with the audience. Afterwards there will be an opportunity for more informal discussion over a drink. Invitees to the International Politiek Cafe include, among others, representatives of the diplomatic corps, politicians and the expat community .
Our foundation’s aim is to broaden awareness in national and international politics and to stimulate people to become active in political debate.
If you wish to attend the meeting it is obligatory, as you will understand, to let us know by using the registrationform.
Yours Faithfully,
Pam Evenhuis, Politiek Cafe
Bezuidenhoutseweg 72W
2594 AW ‘s-Gravenhage
June 19th 2012
Political Cafe with South-Korean ambassador mr. Key Cheol Lee
![](http://img.ymlp.com/xpmn_southkorea_1.jpg) This year, the Netherlands and South Korea mark 50 years of bilateral diplomatic relations. Economic ties between the two countries are also strong in terms of bilateral trade and investment. After the United States and Japan, the Netherlands is the third-biggest foreign investor in South Korea. The Netherlands is also the EU’s biggest recipient of Korean investment, which in 2011 consisted of 25 projects worth a total of €48 million.
Mr. Key Cheol Lee will not only talk about the economic relationships between South Korea and the Netherlands. He will also give backgrounds on the difficult situation with North Korea, the new leadership in North Korea, non-proliferation and the role China has to play.
You are invited to visit this political cafe with mr. Key Cheol Lee. More information at www.politiekcafe.info